The Redmond Community Choir provides an opportunity for singers of all levels to participate in a musically enriching choral experience. This non-auditioned ensemble will learn and perform a wide variety of musical styles and genres ranging from classical to contemporary, and sacred to secular choral works.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Enrollment in the choir is managed by Central Oregon Community College. Click here to enroll in the choir for the upcoming season! Or you can call 541-383-7270.

  • Rehearsals are held at the Redmond Campus of Central Oregon Community College on Monday nights from 6:30 - 8:30.

  • Enrollment in the choir costs $49.00 per season. A $20.00 music rental fee is due at the first rehearsal.

  • Experience is not required to join the choir, only the love of singing! RCC provides a welcoming, high quality choral experience. Among the choir are music teachers and skilled singers as well as people who have never sung in a choir.

  • Rehearsal starts promptly at 6:30, so come early to find your seat and chat with your friends. We begin with some vocal warmups and then we begin singing! You will be amazed at how quickly we start to sound like a choir!

  • Please be prepared to attend every Monday night rehearsal for 12 weeks leading up to the concert. Tools are provided to help you learn your part outside of rehearsal. A dress rehearsal is also required and falls on a day other than Monday (usually the Friday before the concert on Sunday).

Redmond Community Choir

A Poem by our own Kay Milem

In Redmond town there is a choir,

Whose voices rise, and hearts inspire.

For in this choir, they find community,

And through their voices, the create unity.

The conductor leads, with skill and grace,

As choir members smile, each taking their place.

With voices bright and hearts alight,

They sing their songs on Monday nights.

Sopranos soar with angelic grace,

Altos blend in perfect harmony’s embrace.

Tenors add depth and power to the mix,

While basses anchor with their sturdy fix.

And in the midst of this beautiful sound,

The piano player’s fingers deftly abound,

Filling the air with melodies sweet,

Guiding the choir with rhythm and beat.

With every note, they weave a spell

That casts magic, hard to quell.

Their voices rise, and fill the air,

With tunes that lift and banish care.

The Redmond Community Choir, a family true,

With hearts of gold, and voices too.

Their love of songs will never die,

As long as they have breath and sky.

So, let us listen to their song,

And join them as they sing along.

For in their songs, we can find,

A joy and peace that soothes the mind.